The film team has announced the trailer release date of the Kamal Haasan starrer Indian 2. Kamal Haasan starrer movie Indian second part. Director Shankar, who is known for his grand direction, has directed this film. The shooting of the film has been completed and the background work is going on in full swing. Along with Kamal, Rahul Preet Singh, Priya Bhavani Shankar, Siddharth, Vivek, Manobala, Bobby Simha, SJ Surya and Samuthirakani are playing the lead roles. Anirudh has composed the music for the film. The film has been jointly produced by Red Giant and Lyca. Recently, the music launch party of the film was held in Chennai on a grand scale. Many stars also participated in it. The anticipation of Indian 2 movie is increasing day by day among the fans. Accordingly, every day the film team is releasing various updates.
Author : Nithish
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