The trailer of Rathnam directed by Hari and starring actor Vishal has been released. Ratnam starring actor Vishal, Priya Bhavani Shankar, Samuthirakani and others is all set for release. Actor Vishal and director Hari have teamed up for the third time through this film. This alliance, which had earlier teamed up in the films Thamirabharani and Poojai, is coming together for the third time with the film Ratnam. Actor Vishal’s Mark Antony released last year and received a huge response. Director Adhik Ravichandran had given the film excellently in the SJ Surya-Vishal partnership. This time travel film has attracted fans from all walks of life. Following this film, Vishal has finished acting in ‘Ratnam’ directed by Hari. The film will release on 26th in Tamil and Telugu.
Author : Nithish
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